Below is a step-by-step tutorial for Authors with a Blogger membership on Hausler to create a post using the Classic Editor:

Step 1:

Log in to Hausler Dashboard

Navigate to and log in with your user credentials (You need an active Blogger or Business membership).

Step 2:

Access the “Posts” Section

After logging in, you’ll be redirected to the Dashboard. On the left-hand side menu, click on “Posts”.

Step 3:

Click on “Add New”

Once you’re in the “Posts” section, click on “Add New” to start creating a new post.

Step 4:

Enter Title and Content

You’ll now be taken to the Classic Editor screen. Enter the title of your post in the designated field at the top. Then, you can start writing your post content in the main text area below.

Step 5:

Formatting Your Content

Use the toolbar above the text area to format your content. You can make text bold, italic, create lists, add links, and more using the options provided in the toolbar. You can also switch between the “Visual” and “Text” tabs to view and edit your content in HTML mode.

Step 6:

Adding Media

To add images or other media to your post, click on the “Add Media” button above the text area. You can upload files from your computer or select files from your media library.

Step 7:

Categories and Tags

On the right-hand side of the editor, you’ll find the Categories and Tags meta boxes. Select the appropriate category/categories for your post and add relevant tags to help organize and classify your content.

Step 8:

Featured Image

Below the Categories and Tags meta boxes, you’ll find the “Featured Image” meta box. Click on “Set featured image” to upload or select a featured image for your post. This image will be displayed prominently alongside your post.

Step 9:

Preview and Publish

Once you’ve finished writing and formatting your post, you can preview it by clicking on the “Preview” button above the text area. If everything looks good, you can click on the “Publish” button to make your post live on your website.

Step 10:

Save Drafts

If you’re not ready to publish your post yet, you can save it as a draft by clicking on the “Save Draft” button. You can come back to it later to make further edits or publish it when you’re ready.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a post using the Classic Editor on Hausler’s blog marketing platform. You can continue to create new posts following the same process whenever you have content to share.

If you know WordPress or have used it before, then this would be very familiar. If not, click on the button below to learn how to use the Classic Editor to create your post: